

Major updates


About H.Hiro

Hobby: programing (Ruby/C++/JavaScript/etc.), traveling, ...


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Services I use

Twitter (@h_hiro_) - 日常のつぶやき
Last Update: うーん、不可能っぽい Discordのサポートにそういう要望が出ているものの、その先の話も進んでいないあたり https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360050513932-The-ability-to-turn-off-or-lower-quality-settings-for-watching-streams https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/14026942073495-Viewers-can-request-change-in-stream-quality ※これらのリンク、ChatGPTに尋ねたら出てきた
ブログ (Maraigue風。) - まとまった活動記録
Last Update: 小型の腕時計を買った
Qiita - 技術記事(プログラミング、アルゴリズム)
Last Update: pandasでのファイル読み込みで、デフォルトパラメータを使うことに注意したほうがよいもの
GitHub - 公開しているソースコード
Last Update: maraigue commented on issue imas/hackathon#187
slideshare - 勉強会等での発表資料
Last Update: シンデレラガールズの「シンプルな」カードゲームを作りたい(アイマスハッカソン2024)

Recently updated products

twbot3.rb RubyTwitter

Supports creating Twitter (X) bots in Ruby

Version: v0.30 Last update: 2024-06-08

LTOList C++

List structure on which a retrieval

Last update: 2019-12-19

Chinese Postman Problem Solver C++Web BrowserMath

Program solving the “Chinese postman problem” (finding the smallest distance to traverse all edges in a graph (network) and back to the start) [in Japanese]

Last update: 2014-08-11

multiset library for Ruby Ruby

Ruby implementation of multiset

Version: v0.5.1 Last update: 2014-08-10

Sum-Product Battle Web BrowserMath

Answer two integers like "2 and 3" from a problem like "SUM: 5 PRODUCT: 6"

Last update: 2014-04-19

Thumbnail - Sum-Product Battle

rglpk_shiritori RubyWeb BrowserMath

Program finding the largest number of words for “shiritori” with a given set of words

Last update: 2014-02-08

fundoshi.hpp C++

Library for multiple string instances with shared memory

Last update: 2013-12-13

devnull.rb Ruby

Ruby implementation of null file (like /dev/null on Un*x, NUL on Windows) whose APIs are similar to that of IO object in Ruby

Version: v0.1.1 Last update: 2013-06-27

Circumcenter/Centroid/Incircle/Orthocenter calculator for triangles Web BrowserMath

Calculating the points above from coordinates of vertices of a triangle (with Ruby source code)

Last update: 2012-05-19

(C)2009- H.Hiro (e-mail: main@hhiro.net)